How to create an online travel agency website (Step-by-step guide)

Everybody wants to scale their business and Nowadays growing your business online is one of the best methods of growing your business. Everybody wants a website for their business because online presence is very important as it grows your business by 10X. if you want to make your website we will help you out in making your own website. Just click here and contact us.
We are also Providing free website designing tools worth $1300 to grow your online Presence. Please feel free to contact us.

1. Buy a domain and Hosting.

Your online business starts by buying your own domain. The domain is the name of your website. After buying a domain buy a hosting that suits your budget. I would suggest you read our list of best hosting so that you can buy the best hosting at in a reliable price.

2. Install WordPress.

After buying domain go to the cPanel of your website and Install WordPress. It is a free open source platform and more than 75% of the website are made by WordPress. I would suggest you to use it as it is easy to handle and even a non technical guy who do not have any knowledge of softwares can also make a website using WordPress.

To Access to your WordPress cPanel Just write your website name and then wp-admin. (

3. Install Themes & Plugins.

After Installing WordPress the next step is to go to dashboard of WordPress. Install themes and Plugin.

I would suggest you download oceanwp theme and install it or if you want to install a premium theme like generate Press or NewsPaper theme. Then Click here.

After installing the theme you must install some important plugins like Yoast SEO and WP Rocket. We will provide you these plugins for free click here.

4. Setup your Website.

After installing Plugins and theme you need to set up your website. There are so many temples available in your themes Just select the temples best suits your website and proceed to Edit your website. You need to Edit each page of the website according to your own way so that people get attracted to your business and use your website for booking.

Always remember Do not copy content from others website. Make your own unique content so that people get attracted towards your website.

5. Integrate payment methods.

After the setup of your website, you need to integrate the payment method for your customers. I would suggest you use Instamojo. It is a free payment gateway which will help you to integrate the payment method to your website. For integrating the payment method you just need to register your business in Instamojo which is absolutely free and Integrate the API key of Instamojo to your website.

These are the five simple steps to make a travel website. If you need any help regarding website development Please contact us on